When a family member is diagnosed with leprosy, it can have a profound impact on the whole family. It often divides families, causing husbands or wives to divorce their leprosy-affected spouses. It also affects their children, as often they cannot go to school if their parents have leprosy.
Worst of all, leprosy-affected people are marginalised from their community because people still believe leprosy is caused by sinful behaviour. Unfortunately, this is an everyday reality for thousands affected by this curable disease. Read more about leprosy here.
You can help families escape poverty, isolation and shame.
Just $432 can cure a person of leprosy forever. Read more about Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT) drugs that are used to cure leprosy.
$432 provides all the treatment a person affected by leprosy needs to be cured, including administering medication and where necessary, surgery for disabled hands, feet and eyes. Following rehabilitation and vocational training, the person will be able to pursue a full, more active life within their community. You can purchase a Cure One Gift from our Really Good Gift range.
"I was shocked to find that a person can be cured of leprosy forever, for the price of an iPod. What is an unnecessary, albeit fun, luxury for us, can actually give someone a new life." Pat Brittenden.
If you would like to be part of curing a person from leprosy, then listen to Newstalk ZB between 8th - 18th December or donate online now.
From the 8th - to the 18th of December, you can contribute towards curing one person of leprosy - with an aim of curing 50 people before Christmas.
Call 0900 900 44 to make an automatic $25 donation. Your donation will help leprosy-affected families to break free of leprosy - for good.
Thanks to Newstalk ZB and Run the Red for helping make this campaign happen.