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The Preventative Health and Community Empowerment (PHACE) Programme

The main goals of PHACE Programme:

To build knowledge that underpins community wellbeing

  • To help local leaders embrace their responsibilities for improving health.
  • To improve the links between small communities and the services/support that are available at a regional and national level.
  • To help people in the target communities understand their rights to good health, and respectful treatment regardless of status or gender, and create opportunities for the empowerment of women and girls.
  • To embed the principles of preventive health practices.
  • To improve the knowledge and skills of the teams that deploy PHACE in communities, including health staff and volunteers.
  • To establish partnership with health posts and build capacity of local health professions in communities and build trust and mana towards them among their user bases.
  • To indigenise PHACE systems and support so they align with the nature and priorities of the local community.