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Donate NowPlease help us find, screen, treat, and restore the health of children whose lives are at risk of being forever harmed.
Find Out MoreThese protective shoes are a lifeline! They not only help a leprosy-affected person regain their mobility — they help them reclaim their income. Their freedom. Their dignity.
Donate NowToday you have the power to Cure One like Kamal. Be the generation that makes sure that No Child gets leprosy.
Leprosy causes irreversible nerve damage, leading to life-limiting disabilities and severe deformities. Wounds that won't heal leave malnourished bodies open to lethal infections. Age-old fears and stigma about leprosy leave children friendless and families shunned from communities that cannot overcome leprosy on their own. Without help, the lives of children like Sameer, Maya, and Yahrah are just a shadow of all they could be.
Throughout human history, leprosy could never be cured. That was why it was feared all other diseases. Now you can cure it. Help us find the remote pockets where leprosy still exists.
Donate and cure nowHelp provide the care people with leprosy cannot provide for themselves, including: assistive and prosthetic devices; physiotherapy; surgery; hospital care; trauma counselling; and protective wear such as padded sandals.
Donate and care nowLeprosy destroys lives, but you can help restore them, through education, job training and livelihood opportunities
Donate and restore nowWelcome to you from Te Mihana Tūwhenua o Aotearoa, the Leprosy Mission New Zealand. Many people don’t know that leprosy still exists, this ancient grief, this biblical disease still destroys lives. Our mission is to stop it. Forever.
Join us to start the final journey towards ending leprosy.
"The big challenge is to finish well. It's not how you start that matters, it's how you finish. It's pretty special that we finish the race well..."
"As a Christian... I believe I should use what I have to share... it is wonderful that the Leprosy Mission is reaching out being the hands of Jesus," says Mary.
Monthly Prayer & Praise diary is available to download here. Alternatively, you can contact us to receive a copy by post or email
Enjoy reading inTouch magazine on our website or sent to your home and be reminded about the real transformation your support is bringing into the lives of people affected by leprosy
Leprosy Mission New Zealand
PO Box 96262, Balmoral, Auckland 1342