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My Grandpa has trouble walking and can't use his hands. His fingers and toes clawed up," says Munna.
This is because of leprosy, the ancient and feared disease that destroys the body's nerves, forever. His fingers will always be hard to move and Allu will never be able to walk safely.
His feet are in grave danger from simple bumps and scratches. He can't fight infection anymore, because his nerves have been destroyed by the disease.
Cuts and sores can't heal. Because of leprosy, they become ulcers, eating away his feet and toes.
"I want him to know he is not alone," Munna says. "I want people living with leprosy to get the help they need. Please will you help people like my Grandpa?"
Allu needs protective sandals to save his feet from cuts, sores, infections and ulcers.
The Leprosy Mission has made huge progress against this disease. But there are many regions in the poorest parts of the world where it still strikes.
These sandals are a lifeline.
They not only help a leprosy-affected person regain their mobility — they help them reclaim their income. Their freedom. Their dignity.
With your gift, we can provide a pair of protective sandals and life-changing care for someone whose feet have been horribly damaged.
The most wonderful part is that it costs just $10 for one pair.
Just $10 to give a suffering person the chance to walk, work and live a normal life again.
You or I might think very little about putting on a pair of sandals. But for someone who must walk miles upon miles on swollen, nerve-damaged bare feet that are completely numb, protective shoes can be life-changing.
Each $10 you send for a pair of sandals will:
- Help protect damaged feet and minimise limping with corrective insoles
- Ease the pressure on ulcerated, nerve-damaged, fragile skin
- Prevent new cuts, sores, and infections
- Restore mobility so men, women, and children disabled by leprosy can walk, work and take better care of themselves
Thank you for the gift of healing and hope that your generosity and compassion will bring to someone with leprosy.
Leprosy Mission New Zealand
PO Box 96262, Balmoral, Auckland 1342