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Isn't Anju just the most precious little one - just five years old? It should be unthinkable that a child so young - any child, really - should have to face something as cruel as leprosy in her life.
Leprosy remains a grave danger to children like Anju. The last gasps of this disabling disease are still destroying young lives in the most unlikely places.
Anju lives in a community that picks tea in Bangladesh. The leaves refresh millions of tea drinkers, but picking is life-consuming work that barely pays a pittance. Not enough to protect their health.
Anju's mother was very concerned by the bumps and patches you can see across her face. These are the first signs of leprosy.
With support like yours, Anju can visit a skin camp run by the Leprosy Mission. These are mobile outreaches, where doctors and nurses check worrying skin patches, marks and discolouration.
Together, let's commit that in ten years' time, no child will ever again be prey to leprosy and its nerve-killing trap of lifelong disability, deformity, isolation, rejection and deepest poverty.
That great day of Zero Child Leprosy can only come if we keep working together. Please help us find, screen, treat, and restore the health of children whose lives are at risk of being forever harmed.
Your kindness today can keep precious children like Anju safe from leprosy.
You can send your love and support directly to our BNZ bank account:
Account Name: Leprosy Mission NZ
Account Number: 02 0264 0029018 05
Particulars: ' your name '
Reference: 'supporter number (if known) or your phone number'
Code: 'ONEOFF' or Monthly, Quarterly, Weekly (for recurring)
* If you have set up online banking with your bank, we are a registered biller so you can look us up in your bank's Payee list by name (Leprosy Mission NZ). And by saving Leprosy Mission as a saved payee will make it easier next time.
Leprosy Mission New Zealand
PO Box 96262, Balmoral, Auckland 1342